Exchange of feminist art / activist ideas on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of ACT Women and the 10th anniversary of playing socially engaged street performances in the cities of Serbia (within the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women campaign)
Goal of the creative exchange is to affirm the feminist culture as a space for differences, dialogue, understanding and learning. We are gathering feminist organizations, festivals, initiatives, collectives and individuals from the region who do engaged art. We also want to present the work and achievements of the participants of the creative exchange to broader audience. DEFENCE is a testimony of how rich is this marginalized scene, the scene that, due to our patriarchal culture, has not been recognized as such (neither by institutions, nor by media and artists themselves).
PETAK 23.11.2012.
20.00 Opening of the exhibition, CC Rex
Aprilija Luzar (Slovenia)
Installation / video works: “Speaking Portraits”, “Creation of the Icon of Love”, video works about violence against women (testimonies of women from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and Kosovo).
Ivana Smiljanić (Serbia)
Part of the exhibition You will remember me
About psychological violence against women, raising the question of the phenomenon of family violence against children and women, as well as of trans-generational violence and the importance of prevention.
20.30 “Passarela”, performance, Cultural Centre Rex
“Passarela” is a defence of the different bodies, sizes, ages, traditions, choices, memories, voices, visions and opinions of women.
The workshops which resulted in the performance „Passarela“ were held within the Reconstruction Women's Fund programme ”Solidarity Of Roma Young Women and Girls”. This programme is a longterm educational process, which main idea is to open “space“ for young women from 6 towns to learn with others and from others, about others and about themselves, about similarities and differences.
Director: Patricia Ariza
Acresses: Milena Milošević
Melisa Ajdarević
Vesna Bujošević
Tamara Mitić
Slađana Rackov
Hamida Eminia
Zoe Gudović
Stela Ramić
Snežana Ramić
Aleksandra Demirović
Nena Ramić
Ana Imširović Đorđević
Zora Đemić
Milica Dejković
Adaleta Maksud
Ivana Gorunović
Svetlana Šarić
Biljana Rakočević
Zorica Nikolić
22:30 Party
DJ Mechkitza
SATURDAY 24.11.2012.
10.00 - 13.00 Women's Day LET`S DEFEND OURESELVES! Workshop of self-defence, ninjutsu, Cultural Centre Rex.
An ancient Japanese marshal art of Ninjutsu used as a source for practical self-defence techniques in a number of situations: in the street, in the car, at work or in our own home. The workshop will be held by Marija Nikolić and Jovana Lukić.
15.00 “My Body My Territory”, performance, ACT Women (Serbia), Republic Square
Street performance dedicated to women survivors of sexual violence, telling us about the complex process a woman has to go through after the experience of sexual violence, and about all the problems she is faced with.
Director: Dijana Milošević
Actresses: Vesna Bujošević, Zorica Nikolić, Ana Imširović-Đorđević, Sladjana Rackov
Text: Jelena Andjelovski
Scenography: Marija Vidić
Producer: Zoe Gudović
Sound design: Neven Bujošević
17.00 - 20.00 Feminist Kitchen, Public debate, Cultural Centre Rex
We will show / serve all the points of our resistance, strength, defence, creativity, encounters, solidarity, activism and feminist practices in a broad range from the marginalized edges to the mainstream practices.
Ingredients for delicious and magnificent kitchen will be provided by: Jelena Anđelovski (NLO- Novi Sad Lesbian Organization, Serbia), Ana Vilenica, Milesa Milinković (Art Destroys Wallsm Serbia), Marija Maca Obrovački (Serbia), Jelena Milutinović (ALTERO – Association for Personal Training, Education, Development and Empowerment, Serbia), Center for Girls, Niš (Serbia) Befem (Serbia), FemiNiš (Serbia), Dah Teatar (Serbia), CyberWanderlust, ARTPOLIS (Kosovo), Dubravka Đurić (Serbia), Aprilija Lužar (Slovenia), CURE Foundation (BiH), THEATRA (Macedonia) , Veliki Mali Zorica od jabuke, Women in Black, Women’s Space, Nena Močnik (Slovenia), Sanja Solunac i Aleksandra Ninković (Magazin WOOMAN).
Out hostess Lojka Mrsnić Mastić and our host Zed Zeldić Zed will prepare some questions for you and make you some inspirational specialties.
A special taste of moderation will be given by Astrea Pejović and Jovana Papović.
21.00 “The Valley of her Suffering”, performance, Artpolis - Center for Development of Arts (Kosovo), CC Rex
The performance tells true stories of women and girls from Balkans who were used as an instrument of war and conflicts in the region. The stories tell us about crimes, missing ones, love and friendship in the times of war, and about the strength of women and girls to go on with their lives, for themselves and for the others. Listening to their stories will give us the opportunity to face with the recent past; to relive the present and to hope for forgiveness in the future. In 2011 and 2012, we have already played the performance in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia.
Directed by: Zana Hoxha Krasniqi
Actresses: Anisa Ismajli, Dardana Mehmeti and Shengyl Ismajli
Vocal: Kaltrina Miftari
Lights and sound design: Skender Latifi
SUNDAY 25.11.2012.
15.00 “Remembrance”, Mass performance
Republic Square, Zoran Đinđić Plateau, Belgrade
In Serbia, EVERY 10 DAYS ONE WOMAN is killed by her husband or partner.
Not a woman less, not a woman dead anymore!
Participate: Network Women Against Violence, Autonomous Women's Centre, Reconstruction Women's Fund, Women in Black, Škart + Proba and ACT Women.
Campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women,
25th of November - 10th of December 2012.