
n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal

The January 2016 issue of n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal (Volume 37) is on Sound? Noise! Voice!

This volume is on the subject of sound in visual artworks by contemporary women artists. 

Artist’s Pages by:
Jill Scott on ‘AURALROOTS’
Annea Lockwood ‘Jitterbug : the score’

Cristina Castrillo has published a new book, "Tracce -  le mappe di un mestiere". The book was launched in Lugano, Switzerland, on 10 December 2015.
Copies can be ordered from  or, the price is: 25.- CHfr. plus postage.


If the world were upside down


In the endless streets, between the ground and the sky, a woman is looking for the brightness around the corners…

Trinity surrounds us with her silence and the rhythm of the music, to bring us to an everyday and unexpected journey.

Through ancient circus techniques and the parody of the present, this show invites us to think how would it be if the world were upside down.

On Trans/Performance

21.5 On Trans/Performance 
Deadline: 11 December 2015

Centre for Performance Research (CPR)



Spend over £10 on titles featured in this newsletter before December 31st 2015 and receive a voucher for 10% off your next purchase!

Dear friend,
I would like to let you know about the campaign that my theatre group DAH Theatre just started , in order to support our project In/Visible City , that started 10 years ago, and until now we realized it in several countries around the world. It is an  example of  how art and culture can contribute towards the healing and peacebuilding in our communities. I am aware, that many of us in our and related fields, are in the time when resources are scarce and support is minimal.
International Centre for Women Playwrights


The 2015 International Centre for Women Playwrights 50/50 Applause Awards: International and more consistent support for women playwrights swells in theaters!

The International Centre for Women Playwrights (ICWP) is delighted to report the increasingly consistent and diverse recipients for this year’s 50/50 Applause Awards, which sets out to recognize theatres that produced 50% or more women playwrights in their season of shows. ICWP defines 50/50 by the number of qualifying performances in a theater’s season.

(English below)

Art Moving Cities

CARAVAN NEXT is a large-scale European (EU) collaborative project where theatre events throughout Europe stimulate individuals and communities to reflect on European challenges in the second millennium. The project erupts from the former EU project Caravan Project. Artists on the road but operates in a larger scale including 30 associated partners from various countries in Europe and 21 countries in and outside Europe.
