Liminal Online Spaces
Liminal Online Spaces is presented by the Centre for Communication Cultural & Media Studies and organised by the Practice Research Cluster: Finding and Understanding Creative Knowledge at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Join us for a discussion on the global digital shifts in dynamics of knowledge exchange, performance research and practical apprenticeship encountered over the pandemic.
With a focus on participation and embodiment of practice through the digital medium, three online events will be considered as case studies: Bodies:On:Live, the first online festival of the Magdalena Project (June 2021), the ‘Meetings on Third Theatre and Theatre Anthropology - A tribute to Eugenio Barba: 85 years of life, 60 years of theatre, 34 years of encounters in Brazil’, broadcast on the YouTube channel Terceiro Teatro (September-November 2021), and the Digital Course of the ISTA/NG - International School of Theatre Anthropology / New Generation held in Favignana, Italy (October 2021).
These events brought together international practitioners and scholars in generating a context for shared practice and research intended for global live participation through the internet. They are also producing extensive online documentation, which is now forming digital and immaterial archives, recording the shifts in modes of knowledge exchange that have occurred as a response to the physical disconnection experienced in the pandemic.
A Q&A will follow the presentations.
Click here to register (free).
Ricardo Gomes (he/his) is Associate Professor at the Department of Performing Arts of the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil. He is artistic director with Priscilla Duarte of Teatro Diadokai.
Leonardo Mancini (he/his) is Research Fellow in Performing Arts at the University of Turin and Teaching Fellow in Theatre History at University of Pavia, Italy. He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Theatre Anthropology.
Bianca Mastrominico (she/her) is Programme Leader of MA Digital Performance and an associate member of the Centre for Communication, Cultural and Media Studies at Queen Margaret University. Bianca is co-artistic director of award-winning performance laboratory Organic Theatre.