TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge

TítuloTheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge
Tipo de publicaciónBook
Year of Publication2011
AutoresAdams, G, Aniksdal, G, Greenhalgh, J, Varley, J
EditorsGale, MB, Bassnett, S
PublisherThe Open Page Publications
ResumenTheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge is a collection of writings by women who work in theatre all over the world. It is rare to find such a range of professional experience, age and cultural background in one publication. Key chapters for the book are written by Gilly Adams, Geddy Aniksdal, Jill Greenhalgh and Julia Varley. Contributions include introductions by Maggie B. Gale and Susan Bassnett, and articles by 40 other women closely associated with The Magdalena Project. The Open Page Publications, Holstebro, 2011. 264 pages, illus. In English. To order please visit the Odin Teatret Webshop.
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