Nettles première
With Nettles Trickster-p invites the audience to dive into a multi-faceted experience that dialectically explores the two extremes of our human journey: childhood and death.
The childhood of Nettles is however not defined by age and rather refers to a much wider shell that symbolically and metaphorically accompanies our adult life throughout; likewise, death is not only the inevitable stopping of the vital beat, but a much sharper archetypical dimension that connects us to unknown and unsettling perspectives.
Now a common trait of their characteristic poetics, Trickster-p creates in the absence of performers and places the audience in the centre of the dramaturgical action.
Led along a path with the aid of headphones, spectators are left free to elaborate, in total solitude, the relationship to the experience of which they are witness and agent, and to directly meet the succession of environments primarily based on the transformative power of the imagination.
The voice that leads them along the journey generates associations, astonishments, mysteries, factual accounts and instances of real life experience that traverse the subtle borderline between dream and reality, memory and reflection, childhood unrest and the immanence of death.
Nettles is a listening experience to the self who is committed to revealing its own thoughts and lets flakes of autobiography and moments of great intimacy burst through the harshness of the themes and the unavoidable radical nature of the encounter with the end.
Human vulnerability is manifest in the double layer of the fragility of the body and the oneiric, mysterious life of our deepest self, and the primordiality of childhood is made concrete in the ferocity of recollections and the obsessions of memory.
Immersed in a visual and sound scape that amplifies and expands the range of possibile readings, the journey through the rooms is a physical passage that is metaphor for an intimate motion within the mind, and for a deeply emotional, compellingly human condition.
Concept and realization
Cristina Galbiati & Ilija Luginbühl
Simona Gonella
Voice (English version)
Gabriella Sacco
Artistic collaboration
Yves Regenass, Mamoru Iriguchi
Zeno Gabaglio
Editing and mixing
Lara Persia – Lemura Recording Studio
Space realization
F.M. Scenografie srl. (Buccinasco)
IT consultancy
Roberto Mucchiut
Gaia Bozzi, Veronica Ferrari, Martina Galbiati (NABA Scenography undergraduates) under the supervision of Francesca Guarnone
Special thanks to
Gessnerallee Zürich, NABA-Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Margherita Palli Course Leader of NABA three years Scenography degree and professor Francesca Pedrotti
Trickster-p, LuganoInScena
Teatro Sociale Bellinzona, Theater Chur, ROXY Birsfelden, TAK Theater Liechtenstein, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts
Pro Helvetia – Swiss arts council
DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino – Fondo Swisslos
Municipality of Novazzano
Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL
Percento culturale Migros
Göhner Stiftung
Landis & Gyr Stiftung
Fondazione Winterhalter