Magdalena Montpellier 2019
Visible / Invisible
Four years after the first french edition, in Montpellier, the network (artists, researchers, activists) is back to settle down for approximately ten days. Beyond the presentation of shows in the various theaters partners with whom we arrange the events, the network will invest the public space, University, Maisons pour tous, Utopia movie theater, ENSAD, ESAT La Bulle Bleue- ADPEP34. This is how we think about the construction and realization of Magdalena, in the appropriation and the opportunity offered to everyone to propose, to invent cooperation.
Give a voice to those who by outstanding commitments in their country act and believe in the power of art, offer the public new and unexpected forms, ask the question of collective and individual emancipation, give hope by sharing concrete experiences, come together to create a collective working platform, here are our ambitions and dreams, that's magdalena.
The two words, visible and invisible, will go through the week as theme, at work in all forms of creation but also as a challenge for the future and the future of our societies.
Visible - invisible, as the day goes with the night, memory with oblivion, the feminine gender with the masculine, the camera range and the off-camera - inseparable from each other.
The Magdalena Project traces an organic path through the geometry of its encounters, from an intimate to a worldwide scale. In different parts of the world, and at different moments in time, some places suddenly come to light through those whose urgency it is to speak and to share.
From September 30th to October 12th, this will happen in Montpellier, France! There is a strong need to meet and to exchange so that words, thoughts, cultures and views on the world can be exchanged for a week during which equality will become a clear fact. And because more than anything we believe that art has the ability to create fertile and sensitive encounters and to disrupt us and our vision of the world.
Reality writing, poetic and political experiences, works that have almost never been shared, or that have just been written will be presented.
The Magdalena Bubble is a new place, an other place, a friendly, creative and challenging place. Sharing and trainings will happen at La Bulle Bleue. Performances will happen at night in different locations and in public spaces.
Visible and invisible. These two words will be found all through the week, as the theme of all kinds of creations but also as an issue regarding the future of our society. Visible – Invisible, together as day and night, memory and oblivion, female and male, on- and off-camera – inseparable.
PRÉALABLES or "Pre-festival week"
From September 30 to October 5, 2019, magdalena extends over the territory and gives an appointment to the public in various places of the department for privileged moments to open the reflection and propose a time of exchange on the notion of equality.
A day of interaction and meetings for the audience, the artists and professional of the theatre scene.
A day dedicated to performances, presentation of the participants’ projects and a time to reflect on the training done during the week.
Registration is open only for the magdalena week (october 7th to 12th)
(off course, you are welcome to come to the pre-festival week but we won't be able to provide all services)
You will find the registration form + the pre-programme attached for the magdalena week.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Marion, Mathilde and Sabine for magdalena
CONTACT : magdalenamontpellier@gmail.com
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