
Festival de Mujeres en Escena Por La Paz

(Women on Stage for Peace Festival)

I read in an interview to the Italian actress Luisa Pasello that Grotowski described the actor’s training as something like brushing one’s teeth. A very personal moment meant for the exploration of the psycho-physical perspectives that nurture the practice of your art.

Every week we meet at Astaroth Teatro in Amsterdam to share training experiences and traditions.

Dohter, que significa filha em inglês arcaico, é o nome do work in progress que deu início ao Vértice Brasil – encontro e festival internacional de teatro feito por mulheres – que aconteceu em Floripa no decorrer da semana. Uma oficina conduzida pela diretora galesa Jill Greenhalgh durante as duas semanas anteriores ao evento e frequentada por 10 artistas catarinenses investigou o tema e criou perguntas e respostas pessoais sobre o que é ser/ter filha. Este material foi pra cena e tornou-se poesia viva.

Florianapolis is a beautiful place. It is an island connected by a bridge to mainland south Brazil. The city of Florianapolis is surrounded by water – the hills across the water on the mainland frame both city and the glorious beaches that boast to be the best in South Brazil. White dunes, waterside fish restaurants, selling oysters by the bucket load and the efficient but stressless approach to work, at which Brazilians excel, make this a very pleasant place to have been hosted for three weeks.


©rossella viti 2012

I am in Providence, Rhode Island, for BIARI - Brown International Advanced Research Institute. This is a gathering of about 140 researchers and thinkers, brought together for two weeks of presentations and discussions in four streams: climate change, health and HIV, population and development, and theatre and civil society. I'm in this last group, convened by Erik Ehn and Patricia Ybarra, with 24 participants hailing from nearly every corner of the globe.





Il Magfest è lieto di invitarvi alla seconda presentazione del libro:
  “Dal Magdalena Project al Magfest: un percorso sul teatro al femminile in Italia”

Secret Girl
is an exhibition by Leah Crossley on the art work she has produced out of the photographs she took during The Seven Kimgs - Secret Girl workshop given by Gabriella Sacco at the Magdalena Legacy and Challenge festival in Cardiff in 2011.


Más caras con máscaras es un manual que muestra cómo crear 22 diferentes máscaras y sus variaciones en forma precisa y meticulosa. Con 190 páginas e 772 ilustraciones este manual es un recurso invaluable para educadores, profesionales de teatro y quien quiera crear máscaras.


I am in Pondicherry, India for the Tantidhatri festival - the first Magdalena festival in India, organised by Parvathy Baul (with an incredible army of volunteers). The festival has finished & I'm indulging in a week of holiday here - although "holiday" also means clearing my email backlog and dealing with lots of photos taken by myself and others during the festival; you can see the growing gallery of images here.


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