Incontri Meetings 2013 1st-26th May 2013

Incontri Meetings 2013 English and Spanish version
A second Incontri-meetings for those who tell the stories of peoples and people who have no voice, especially those who know no peace in their everyday lives, nor the time to find it because of war, bombs, oppression, poverty...
A second Incontri-meetings to begin the long-term study of theatre reportage for a mixed group of young Western and Middle Eastern actors, artists based in Volterra.
A second Incontri-meetings to exchange, meet, share and be together.
A second Incontri-meetings to share the 15 years of theatre reportage of Teatro di Nascosto.
1st -19th May
The international group will prepare meetings with schools, universities, organize the involvement of associations from the city and surrounding area, make publicity, make rehearsals for actions and performances of theatre reportage: the “Dream Lottery” with the true stories and dreams of those living oppression, war, great poverty with: Muayad Hoorani (Palestine), Yamyle Lanchas (Colombia), Cinzia Cacace (Italy), Mahmoud Badr (Egypt), Arabella Lawson (England), Xerip Siyabend (Kurdistan), Valera Simonchuk (Ukraine), Alex Etchart (England, Uruguay), Ali Kareem (Iraq), Sophie Barclay (Denmark), Guendalina Simoncini (Italy), Valentina Zagaria, (Italy), Nelly Shoukry (Egypt), Rania Sultan (Egypt), Ahmed El Sawi (Egypt), Mübin Dünen (Turkish Kurdistan), Ozgur Yaçin (Turkey) under the direction of Annet Henneman (Volterra-Holland). A significant group of Volterran volunteers will participate in various meetings and in the work of organization and publicity, as well as one of the classes of the Niccolini High School, LEC (free creative expression) and the Music Academy of Volterra.
19th – 23rd May
The work of the international group opens up in workshops of theatre reportage with the participation of other young actors coming from Italy, France, England, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Kurdistan, Iran, Syria and Somalia.
24th -26th May
Programme open to the public:
The opening with: Cristina Scaletti (Councillor for Culture, Regional government of Tuscany), Silvia Pagnin and Miriam Celoni (councillors, Provincial government of Pisa), all guests and others, to be confirmed…
Actions and performances of theatre reportage by the international group of Teatro di Nascosto, short film screenings and documentaries, concerts.
Academics who will discuss the proposal of the long-term study of theatre reportage based in Volterra.
Video conferences with people unable to travel in Gaza, Egypt, Baghdad.
A moment of reflection with conferences and seminars with academics on theatre, the arts, journalism as a means of telling the stories of those who have no voice, with:
Jill Greenhalgh (University of Aberystwyth, Wales, Director of the Magdalena Project, international women’s theatre),
Dr. Dina Matar (Palestinian professor, Centre of Media and Film Studies, SOAS, University of London),
Laura Battaglia (Catholic University of Milan, journalist for Avvenire, documentary maker),
Prof. Vito Minoia (University of Urbino, Director of the magazine, Catarsì, Teatri delle Diversità),
Dr. Asaad, (University of Basra),
Dr. Qasim Monez Azeez (Director of the School of Fine Arts, University of Baghdad),
Bojana Kunst (Professor Theatre Science University of Giessen, Germany),
Hanaa Edwards (Director of Al Amal (“hope”) Iraq, Baghdad),
Basel Abdulkareem (Founder of Laonf (“non-violence”), Baghdad),
Fabian Hamilton (UK Member of Parliament),
Nicoletta Dentico (Co-director of Health Innovation People)
Walid Ayadi (Director of Theatre-Studio, Tunis, Tunisia)
And others...
In collaboration with:
Regional government of Tuscany, Provincial government of Pisa, North South Institute, Council of Volterra, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Volterra, SIAF, Tavolo per la Pace Alta-Bassa Val di Cecina, Al Amal of Baghdad, Open Society Foundations, Accademia utopia sed cum iucidio, LEC (Libera Espressione Creativa), Niccolini High School, Music Academy of Volterra
Giovani artisti, attori, film maker, musicisti dal: Young artists, actors, film makers, musicians from:
Kurdistan, Egypt, Iraq, Gaza, Westbank, Siria, Turkey, Colombia, England, Ucrain, Iran, Tunis, Italy, Volterra
Dr Qasim Monez Azeez direttore della scuola d'Arte fine di Baghdad --- Director of School of Fine Arts of University of Baghdad
Dina Matar professore palestinese della SOAS University Londra
Laura Battaglia, giornalista Avvenire, professore giornalismo alla Cattolica di Milano, documentarist
Jill Greenhalgh professor University Abersystwyth, director of Magdalena Project, women's theatre in the world
Vito Minoia professore Università di Urbino
Alessandra Ballerini, avvocato/lawyer specialized in immigration, refugees
Nicoletta Dentico Se non ora quando... World Health Organisation
Fabian Hamilton mp parlamentare, Paolo Fontanelli mp parlamentare
Cristina Scaletti Assessore alla cultura regione toscana
Meriam Celoni, Silvia Pagnin assesori alla cultura e istruzione Provincia di Pisa
Annet Henneman, regista di Teatro Reportage director of Theatre Reportage
e altri and others
Accompagnato da un scritto di sostegno dal presidente della camera
Accompanied by a letter of the president of the chamber of the Italian Parliament Laura Boldrini
19 - 23 maggio - May
Seminario di Teatro Reportage con Annet Henneman and the International group of Teatro di Nascosto a Volterra...
Seminar of theatre reportage with Annet Henneman and the International Group of Teatro di Nascosto in Volterra, Italy...
--- Iscrizioni ancora aperte --- Inscriptions still open ---
24 - 26 maggio - May
Programma con teatro reportage, documentari, conferenze, concerti...
Programme with theatre reportage, documentary, conferences, concerts...
Voce a chi vive guerra, oppressione, grande povertà
Voice to those who live war, oppression, big poverty
L'inizio di: Per la strada..."
Start of: "On the road..." towards a long term study of theatre reportage
25 maggio May 11.30 -- 13.30 Piazza dei Priori Volterra
La lotteria del Sogno --- The Dream Lottery
Evento di Teatro Reportage --- Theatre reportage Event
director --- regia Annet Henneman
SOGNI E RACCONTI, MUSICA DAL VIVO - nel contesto di una lotteria
DREAMS, STORIES, LIVE MUSIC - in the context of a lottery
con giovani artisti del with young artists from
Kurdistan, Egypt, Iraq, Gaza, Westbank, Siria, Turkey, Colombia, England, Ucrain, Iran, Tunis, Italy, Volterra
Yamile Lanchas, Cinzia Cacace, Mahmoud Badr, Arabella Lawson, Xarep Siyabend, Valera Simonchuk, Alex Etchart, Ali Kareem, Sophie Barclay, Gunedalina Simoncini, Valentina Zaggaria, Mubin Dunen, Ozgur Yasin, Rania Al Najjar, Tamer Nijim, Rania Sultan, Nilly Shokry, Ahmed Al Sawi, Saleh Al Ballawi, Mehran Meyari, Majd Kilani, Abeer Awaad, Muayad Hoorani, Sophie Lavallée, Yuri Punzo, la terza C dell'Istituto Niccolini, l'Accademia della Musica città Volterra, LEC libera espressione creativa
links connected to the work of theatre reportage:
'Voci da Bagdad' Basra News, gennaio 2013 (Arabic):
'Le donne di Abramo' (Laura Battaglia) su Rai 3, 2013 (Italian):
'Unknown Iraq' - trailer (Laura Battaglia), 2013 (English):
'Iran: storie dimentichate/forgotten stories', BBC Persiano, giuglio 2011 (Farsi):
Intervista/interview Annet Henneman Berlino, febbraio 2012 (English):
Intervista con Annet Henneman RAI24 News aprile 2012 (Italian):
Incontri Meetings (English) /en/content/news
Teatro di Nascosto - Hidden Theatre, Via Docciola 1, 56048 Volterra, Italia facebook: teatro di nascosto
tel: 0039058881182 00393355794909 00393893123536