Donations Month
April is the Magdalena Project's Donations month!
My dear friends and colleagues,
I am writing because we need to raise ongoing donations to support the Magdalena Project website.
The website has become the heart and hub of the Project, our primary communication nexus. It is a place for sharing news, promoting events and it is the central gathering place of all the documentation of the events that happen around the world.
And it is the place where other theatre women find us.
Since 1999, the website has been maintained by the voluntary commitment of our web queen Helen Varley Jamieson and other volunteers; and we have managed to cover the costs of design, programming and hosting through grants and ad-hoc donations appeals. But as funding opportunities diminish and our savings shrink, the time has come to solidify the support of our community through a regular donation system. We have decided to make April our annual Donation month.
We started our campaign by asking 50 women to help us with annual donations of £25, £50 or £100 and the response was fantastic and generous.
So, if the Magdalena has been important for you, we are now inviting those of you within the network who would like to add your names to this support, to donate what ever you can during our April donation month.
If you can contribute, please go to the Donations page and choose which of the payment methods you would like to use.
Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.
Jill Greenhalgh
Artistic Director
The Magdalena Project