National and international monologues and SOLOS, works-in-progress, work demonstrations, round tables, conferences, book launches, forums, exhibitions and workshops
The theme of this edition will be "Pandora's box". According to the Greek myth, Pandora was the first woman ever to exist and, by carelessness from her curiosity, when opening the box that was entrusted to her, released all the evils such as wars, diseases, hatred. "She" became a symbol associated with evil and we forgot the most important part of the story - that inside the box was hope. In parallel to the Christian myth, according to which woman is responsible for the loss of paradise, the festival wonders, through art, what is the true legacy and responsibility of the contemporary artist.
In this edition, we will also open a discussion on the theme "new masculinities". the images of masculinity disseminated by culture are worn out. The man is imposed on social, cultural and political pressures. and, like any imposition, we can accept them or not. In this festival, we as how can one be a man in this new world?
The language of memory, with Cristina Castrillo (Switzerland / ARG)
Echo of silence, with Julia Varley (din / ing)
Catwalk, with Patricia Ariza (Colombia)
Koshi or not Koshi, com Ana Woolf (ARGENTINA)
Memory Box with ya-Ling Peng (Taiwan)
Designed by actress and director Luciana Martuchelli and produced by the CIA. Yinspiração Contemporary Poetic and tao films, in partnership with the Magdalena Project, to foster theory and assemblies of solo performances and monologues emphasizing work with the voice, with body dramaturgy, with theatrical writing, new connections of work as well as group culture.
Full festival participation includes: free entry and priority in all activities and shows; transport during festival-related activities; lunch, dinner and closing party; participation certificate and one of the workshops. And for artists from other states or countries, participation includes lodging with breakfast.
Learn more at www.solosferteis.com.br