Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival (PIT)
Porsgrunn Norway 12-16 June 2018
Porsgrunn Internasjonale Teaterfestival is the largest international theatre festival in Norway, and has taken place every year in June since 1995.
Besides a broad program of national and international theatre performances, the festival also each year presents a large Street of Fools-program with street performances, as wel as seminars, workshops and conferences.
PIT is produced by Grenland Friteater
Grenland Friteater: Battle at the dairy 1933
Battle at the Dairy 1933: Meierislaget 1933 In Grenland Friteater’s new big outdoor performance about the Battle at the Dairy in 1933 we follow striking dairy ladies, local youths, police officers and curious spectators at Meieritorvet when the brutal state police arrive in Porsgrunn, ready to attack people with their truncheons raised.
Wakka Wakka (us): Made in China
A darkly comedic puppet musical inspired by true events, Made in China is a fantastical exploration of human rights, consumerism and American-Chinese relations as told through the unlikely love story between an odd middle-aged American woman and her Chinese ex-pat neighbor. Baby pandas, dancing appliances and romping middle-aged lovers populate Wakka Wakka’s universe...
Cirkus Xanti / Ali Williams (w): As a tiger in the jungle
As a Tiger in the Jungle is produced by an international partnership between Ali Williams, ex-Artistic Director of the pioneering Welsh circus company NoFit State, and Norwegian company Circus Xanti. When Renu was 5 years old and Aman was 6, they were taken from their Nepalese villages and sold into circus across the Indian border.
Statsteatret. 1950 – The Spy
CIA, KGB, Cold War, Communism and Labor party anxiety. Everything served on a bed of advertising for cigarettes, alcohol and the latest in appliances. The time is 1950. Music comes from an apartment. Astrid Høyer sits at the piano. Vacuum cleaner salesman Frank Øye stands outside her door. He rings the doorbell...
Ingvild Hogstad: Heartbreak
What happens in the brain when the heart is broken? Should we rather say: I love you with all my brain? Because this is where the worst nightmare is taking place. I want to take a look at the research, and in particular recent research into the brain.
Teater Fusentast: Langligger
Long-time care How smart is it actually outsourcing important functions in hospital day? How does the hospital organization affect employees and patients? Why is the pressure of sending patients home so high and is it really in the patient’s interest? For a year, actor Coby Omvlee was a long-term patient.
Sagliocco Ensemble: To ord
There is something liberating insane and straight to-the-point with the protagonist in this play. A kind of Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde or Winnie from Happy Days by Beckett. On stage there is a woman, a chair, a purse. From her purse she pulls out different items, one by one.
Visjoner Teater: Hedda Gabler
Hedda Gabler is considered one of Ibsen’s most enigmatic women, and one of the major roles in classical realism. When Juni Dahr takes Hedda out of the bourgeois theater hall and into the real room at the Admini, we get what Jon Thorsås in Kulturspeilet calls “The closest we come to a perfect Hedda.”
Odin Teatret (dk): Memoria
Memoria deals with the burden of remembering and the commitment not to forget, with the challenges of returning home after deportation, and with a stranger singing under a tree. The performance is dedicated to the writers Primo Levi and Jean Améry who survived Auschwitz only to commit suicide later.
Bugge Wesseltoft: Everybody loves angels
On stage one man intensely occupied with retrieving delicate and beautiful notes out of a grand piano, one by one. Behind him fades the day’s last light over the city by the river – and maybe a boat passes by. Friday June 15th, you can experience the eminent pianist Bugge Wesseltoft.
Räfven (s): Live at Kafé K!
In Sweden Räfven is known as the country’s wildest and maybe best live acts. On stage the eight odd ball gypsy punks turns into one single organism, delivering their frenetic and untamed mix of music that sends people silly. Raised in the streets as a busking band, no stage is too small or too big!
Lokal.Kraft: Porsgrunn Stories
137 story tellers. Locals of all ages, new and old Norwegians, with a personal story of an important meeting in their life. They all have an avaliable chair and you will be able to circulate and hear many stories during the hours the story tellers gather around the city.
Scene:bluss: The Hellmouth Edition
Scene: Bluss is an experimental platform to show and talk about work. It is a festival in the festival, with young art and artists. A place to test and share ideas both for performers and audiences. The Hellmouth Edition is a project based on the epic cult TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Street of Fools 2018
Fools, jugglers, clowns and other madmen and -women take control over the streets of Porsgrunn. They all have one thing in common: The Street is their Stage. Hence the festival’s motto: One city, one stage! It is never boring in Porsgrunn during PIT. We promise entertainment both for adults and children.
Teatro Due Mondi (it): The nine Commandments
A Golden Calf came to preach on the city square, accompanied by his servants devils, to announce the Nine Commandments of Money God. And it seems that the pagan god is amused to remind us about the obscenity of war, the vulgarity of communication, the falsity of politics, the lack of memory and justice.
Festival Opening and Cobblestone Ball 2018