Mostra Camaleoa
Dear women,
The year of 2018 marks ten years since the first meeting and international theater festival made by the women of the Vértice Brazil Project. Since that meeting, in July 2008 in the city of Florianópolis, many other events and meetings in Brazil and all over the world connected us all, at some point of our lives.
Since 2014 we are facing new challenges, which blend personal lives in transformation with a country in political and social upheaval. To make large festivals and international meetings became, over time, very difficult to the collective of women who coordinate the Vértice Brazil Project. We decided to suspend times and reconnect ourselves with desires and deepest longings, thinking about the sense of this work in a hard context of cultural production in Brazil, were we live and work.
In 2018 we received a gift. Young women, full of new desires, are organizing an event called Mostra Camaleoa - women making art in the city of Balneário Camboriu/SC with performances, workshops, debates and other artistic activities geared to the visibility of the women's artistic production. This event will devote a day to bring out the history and the legacy of Vértice Brazil Project, through an installation and performance that will be held on October 14th 2018.
This is an invitation to attend this event as a whole and to join a collective of women who will be dedicated to think about specific questions for a few days in October, or to attend to the Vértice Brazil Project performance in 10/14 and participate in a subsequent conversation. This is an opportunity to be together and reconnect our wishes and desires. This year could be a boost to create other forms of connections that keep this legacy and their transformations in the direction of the future, in a very necessary and vital moment in our country.
A warm hug to each of you,
Marisa, Glaucia, Monica and Barbara
More information:
Contact: mostracamaleoa@gmail.com