The Drawing Breath and the Singing Hand
The Drawing Breath and the Singing Hand is a retreat for twelve women to nourish themselves through creativity and reflection.
We will move between drawing, painting, writing, breath work, movement, contemplation, talking together, singing and improvising, both creating alone and in collaboration with others.
These creative activities allow our thinking brain to take a back seat and let our intuitive brain come out to play. They may also lead us to discoveries and renewed insights about ourselves and our world.
We can then step back into our lives with a refreshed sense of mindfulness and of what is important to each of us.
All this will take place in the beautiful Autumn landscape of Hill Cottage Retreat Centre.
Zarine and Helen have been friends for over twenty years. They have shared significant life events, performances and work projects as well as collaborating to run singing and songwriting residential workshops at Hill Cottage over the last nine years.
Cost: £300
Includes retreat, full board (vegetarian) and single room accommodation
The deposit of £80 will be payable at the time of booking.
There will be up to 12 residential places
More information and booking: https://www.hillcottageretreats.co.uk/zarine-katrak-and-helen-chadwick