Faces of the Future: Ghosts and Fictions
An ongoing interactive festivity with intercultural exchanges, barters, games, meetings, concerts, performances, exhibitions, religious ceremonies and secular rituals on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Festuge (Festive Week) and the 50th anniversary of Odin Teatret.
Theatricality is one of the faces of our future: exaggerated self-display, affectedly dramatic behaviour, histrionics, subliminal messages, manipulation and communicative happenings. Theatricality lures us in urban architecture and politics, in window shops and ways of dressing, in religious ceremonies and publicity, in political gatherings, in protest manifestations, on TV, in parliament and streets.
But in theatre and its accompanying expressions of dance and music, theatricality is above all a process of self-discipline, establishing collaborative relationships and revitalising communal bonds. During the 9th Festuge, children and young people from East, West, North and South will show us a face of the future with their performances, commitment and their enjoyment of their craft.
The artistic companies invited to the Festuge will be hosted by schools in Holstebro and its surroundings, realising a cultural barter with students, teachers and parents. Together they will prepare and present public performances in their area and, at the same time, be responsible for parts of the Festuge programme with visits to Holstebro and other parts of the region.
The Senggar Seni Tri Suari School of Music and Dance from the village of Batuan (Bali), led by I Nyoman Joni and I Wayan Bawa: 20 children and teenagers presenting classical and contemporary Balinese music and dance in collaboration with the schools and communities of Borbjerg and Sevel, Divano Occidentale Orientale (Italy) and Odin Teatret (Donald Kitt).
The Ilé Omolú Foundation for Music and Dance, Salvador (Brazil): 12 children and teenagers from a poor neighbourhood presenting traditional and contemporary Afro-Brazilian dance and rhythms in collaboration with the school and community of Staby, The Jasonites(Marcelo Miguel) and Odin Teatret (Jan Ferslev).
The Koinonia Children Team from Nairobi's periphery (Kenya), accompanied by Father Kizito: 15 children and teenagers presenting acrobatics, songs and dances in collaboration with the school and community of Vemb, Casa di Pulcinella with Paolo Comentale (Italy), The Jasonites (Alberto Martinez Guinaldo) and Odin Teatret (Sofía Monsalve).
Junior Band di Spina (21 musicians), Teatro Dynamis (12 actors) and Laboratorio Isola di Confine (4 actors): a music orchestra and two theatre groups, all from Italy, specialised in community events, presenting musical parades, Pulcinella masks, theatre performances, songs and dance in collaboration with the schools and communities of Idom, Nørre Felding,Ulfborg, the flamenco dancer Erika Sanchez and Odin Teatret (Kai Bredholt).
The Hashtanaga Kalam - Pulluvan Pattu (India) led by Ravi Gopalan Nair: 12 artists from Kerala performing the ritual of the Nagas, the holy snakes protecting the earth, in collaboration with Odin Teatret (Eugenio Barba, Fausto Pro, Tage Larsen).
Teatro Potlach (Italy), from Fara Sabina, directed by Pino di Buduo: 18 actors and musicians, staging the site specific performance Faces of the Future in the Holstebro Town Hall in collaboration with Balletskolen, Musikskolen, Dansk Talentcenter, Orkesterefterskole, Odin Teatret (Rina Skeel) and more than 40 local associations.
Teatro Laboratorio Altamira (Italy) directed by Pierangelo Pompa: 3 international actors, collaborating with Wagnerhus Kindergarten in Holstebro.
Holstebro Scouts led by Peter Nissen and Mogens Vester: hundreds of young people from Holstebro and surroundings, building an island on the Storå river, with activities around a camp fire for 10 days in collaboration with The Jasonites (Isadora Pei) and Odin Teatret.
Deborah Hunt (Puerto Rico), Carolina Pizarro (Chile) and musician Francesca Palombo(Italy): 4 masked figures improvising in the streets and other venues in collaboration with Odin Teatret (Julia Varley).
Parvathy Baul (India), a Baul singer and dancer: presenting concerts and poetry readings in collaboration with Odin Teatret (Elena Floris, Iben Nagel Rasmussen) under the name of Triolerne.
Giuseppe L. Bonifati, Divano Orientale Occidentale (Italy), a performing artist, active in car-wash places and supermarkets, accompanied by a video projection called Maren and I.
Guido Accascina (Italy), aerial designer, building flying sculptures and instructing school children in making their own.