
Performance Research Journal

Volume 23, Number 2: ‘On Writing & Performance’ (March 2018)
Proposal deadline: 8 May 2017

Issue editors: Ric Allsopp and Julieanna Preston


Performance Research 23.1

Vol. 23, No. 1: On Children (January/February 2018)


Issue Editors: Dr Adele Senior (Leeds Beckett University) and The Institute for the Art and Practice of Dissent at Home

What will happen if each of you contribute with only 1$? We will raise a third of the required sum of money! Does it sound impossible? Let's do the impossible!
"Echoes of Hakkanese Women"

No matter you are happy or not
We are standing here
You are coming or not
We are standing here
It's been long time
We never ever leave here

Poetry by Fancy Tzu Chang (part)

Fancy Tzu makes a clear statement for women.

Performance, revelation and resistance: Interweaving the artistic and the therapeutic in devised theatre

The Indian Theatre Journal is the first academic and international journal dedicated to Indian theatre. This journal aims to create an international platform for scholars, critics, playwrights, actors and directors of Indian theatre to present their work through cutting-edge research and innovative performance practice.

Elizabeth Hess, Author, Palgrave Macmillan, Publisher

In Acting & Being, Hess offers systematic and original explorations in performance technique. A fusion of physical theater modalities culled from Western and Eastern practices, this hybrid approach embodies behavioral, physiological and psychological ‘states of being’ -- unlocking impulses, experience and imagination to generate transformative, empathetic and expansive artistic expression.

In 2016, women of three religions dressed in white walked 200 km for peace.

In Israele, meno di un mese fa, centinaia di donne vestite di bianco, di tre religioni, hanno marciato insieme e pregato per la pace.

L’evento, quasi completamente ignorato dai media, è venuto a conoscenza del resto del mondo quando il video di quella giornata è stato pubblicato sul web.

Organizzato dalla Ngo Women Wage Peace, “Donne per la pace”, movimento nato nel

2017 workshop calendar

Dear friends,

here we are sending again the whole calendar of our SKILLS WORKSHOP.

We are pleased to add that, as always, we put ourselves at your disposal to settle any eventual need for lodging, and to facilitate, in those days,
the consultation of our library and video library.

Best regards and again and forever Happy New Year!

Cari amici,
