
We are nearing the end of the Tantidhatri Festival already, and I haven't had time to post anything - I've been full of good intentions but like most Magdalena festivals, the schedule of overlapping performances, transport logistics, catching up with people and preparing for my performance hasn't left much time for anything else except sleeping; also it's so hot here that it's necessary to shower 2-3 times a day & wash everything I've been wearing as well.

At the link below you can find all the pictures from Magfest Torino "gener-AZIONI" taken by Monica Russo.













Cosa c’è dietro al sipario? Il mondo magico del teatro e della presenza, il mondo reale e ostinato del lavoro quotidiano per poter dire “sono qui e ora” sul palcoscenico: l’attrice nei suoi piedi, calzando le scarpe dei suoi personaggi.

"Dietro al sipario"

I am in Torino for Magfest! When I left Munich on Thursday morning, the first winter snow was falling - but in Torino it was a beautiful sunny day. I was met at the airport by Valentina and Christina Kyriazidi, who had just arrived from Berlin, then we had lunch with Gabriella and her parents. Gabriella and Valentina have put the festival together on almost nothing (in New Zealand we'd say "on the smell of an oily rag") and focussed on performances - 17 performances over two days and one evening - mostly by "younger" women.

We all know how difficult funding is to get, and that in the "current economic climate" it is getting harder and harder. But there are funds out there, and perhaps if we join forces and apply together we may be able to access something. As an international network, the Magdalena Project is significant and fairly unique, and our work connects into many funding organisations' priorities. We just have to find the right fund to approach and give them a good pitch.


Magdalena Afternoon Tea Blog


I thought I’d write a short blog for those who were interested but unable to attend today’s Magdalena@25 afternoon tea at my place. This is by no means a comprehensive description of the conversation that took place, but if you were one of the women who just couldn’t be there today, here’s a taste of the ground covered:


Once the Magdalena Norway group gets up and running, this will be a place for group members to post blogs about Magdalena Norway's activities. In the meantime, this is here as a placeholder, to show you that it can be done!



Hi All,

Finally managed to sort through all of the photos from the first couple of days of the Legacy and Challenge Magdalena in August! For now, I have put every single one on a Photobucket album (the link is below). You should be able to download any of the photos, but if there are any problems I can email them directly to you, just email the link of the photograph to me. This is the same if you want any photos edited or photoshopped, as I have access to Photoshop CS4.

Here is the link to the album:

I have just come back from Istanbul, where I was attending ISEA 2011, a big electronic arts festival.


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