Tradition Transmission Transgression
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Laboratorio Internacional Residui Teatro, in collaboration with the Municipality of Ayllon, organizes in Spain the 3 edition of “Tradition-Transmission-Transgression /GreenArt: Women, Mother Earth, Healing”, an international meeting of women creators within the framework of the Magdalena Project - network of women in contemporary arts.
The meeting is directed by Viviana Bovino, co-founder of Laboratorio Internacional Residui Teatro, and is currently the only meeting of the Magdalena network in Spain.
“Tradition, Transmission, Transgression / GreenArt-women, mother earth, healing” intends to reflect on the role of women in the transmission and the maintenance of some cultural traditions and the responsibility of transform them where the same confirm a perspective that does not guarantee equality of opportunities and rights.
The third edition of the initiative is designed to promote reflection on the relationship between art and the environment. It aims to link this discourse to the role of women in rural and urban communities, provoking reflection on the relationship between the woman with Mother Earth, care and healing.
Women create and give birth. Women are connected with nature and its preservation. Women who dedicate themselves to the arts combine this wisdom with another capacity, the creative and empathetic one that trades of the arts propitiate.
Faced with the climate emergency, Residui Teatro, in collaboration with the town Ayllón, has launched projects linked to art and the environment that aim to facilitate reflections at the community level, causing a direct impact on different social groups, as well as promoting a change in normalized habits that neglect living beings and nature.
Likewise, it is important to insist on the role of the women in society; it is a vehicle in the processes of upbringing and education, fighting against inequality, machismo and promoting change towards gender awareness through the arts.
The meeting will take place in the beautiful municipality of Ayllón, autonomous Community of Castilla y León, and provides workshops, round tables for reflection, projections, exhibitions of the participant’s work in progress, shows, concerts and many activities together with the local community.
Among the invited artists:
Julia Varley/Odin Teatret (Gran Bretaña), Geddy Aniksdal /Grenland Friteater company (Noruega), Barbara Luci Carvalho/Antagon TheatAKTion (Brasil), Isabelle Maurel (Francia), Mónica de la Fuente (España/Valladolid), Maristella Martella (Italia), Kathleen Tamayo online/ Cartaphilus Teatro (México), Nazaré Rodriguez de la Fuente (Valladolid- España), Parvathy Baul (India), Sandra Pasini / Teatret OM (Dinamarca), Apeksha Bhagwa (India), Brigitte Cirla/ Voix Polifonique (Fracia), Silvia Garzón /Atalaya (España/Sevilla), Natasha Czertok / Teatro Nucleo (Italy), Veronica Ragusa / Teatro Nucleo (Italy), Amaranta Osorio (México-Colombia-España), Teatro Ebasko (Italia), Eirini Sfyri y Viviana Bovino / Laboratorio Internacional Residui Teatro (España).
The meeting is possible thanks to:
Ayllón Municipality, CAAE Madrid, Program Erasmus+ and CES of UE, International Network Magdalena Project, Instituto de las Mujeres, Casa de la India of Valladolid, ICCR, Bologna city Council.
In collaboration with:
Jill Greenhalgh, Grupo de Danzas de Ayllon, AMPA CRA Ayllón, Biblioteca Municipal de Ayllón, Agrupación musical Banda de Ayllón, Grupo Ayllones de Teatro, Coral La Espadaña de Ayllón, Asociación de Mayores Ayllon, Instituto de Ayllon, Colegio de educación primaria de Ayllon, Helen Varley Jamieson, Magdalena Miunich (Alemania), Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjno Spoleczno Kulturalne BRAMA (Polonia), Teatro dei Venti (Italia), Compagnie Tortilla (Francia), Teatro a Canone (Italia), Grenland Friteater (Noruega), Transit Next Forum (Dinamarca), Tarantarte Ass. Cult. (Italia), Comité Métallos (Francia), Omma studio (Greek), ZID Theater – City Arts & Performance Centre connects art, culture and society (Paises Bajos), Teatro Nucleo (Italia), Festival Frauen (Alemania), As. Bachi da Setola (Italia), BIOMIMA (ESPAÑA), OKEV (Alemania), Teatro dei Venti(Italia), Marina Santo (España), Protagon – Freunde und foerderer freier THEATERAKTION (Alemania), SKENE (España), participants of TONE (Erasmus+ proyect), Proyecto Green E.thi.c.s. Creative Europe, cía Cartaphiulus Teatro (México), Eva María Varela Lasheras, Gregorio Amicuzi, Denis Lavie, Alma Amicuzi, Barriguita, Santiago Claramonte, Marcelo Solares, Giulio Tinessa, Fabrizio Baiocchi, voluntarios CES de Residui Teatro, Gabriela Acosta, Diana Tada, grupo de apoyo TTT 2023.