JOYFULNESS CRAZINESS 4 offers a whole-evening company with artists: to the audience it promises a public rehearsal of a choir, introduction to summer hits of young cant-authors forces and dance through carefree DJ desk. The program will be opened by PROBA with their advent – communal public rehearsal of love and activist songs. Reconstruction Women’s Fund supports women’s activism and also promotes contemporary women’s art – a few artists will present their work, to start with Ana Dubljevic with her performance HERE WE GO AGAIN.
Music program opens with the star of Belgrade cant-author scene Ana Ćurčin, followed by charismatic DJ Mečkica.
Like in all previous JOYFULNESS CRAZINESS, contemporary visual art scene will be presented – the visitors will have a chance to see paintings of Jelena Jelača – Journal of Moving and the sculptures of Ana Đorđević. Applied art artist Natalija Laptošević will facilitate a mini origami-workshop and teach you how to make small and large cranes.
Some of the art works you could buy or order.
JOYFULNESS CRAZINESS is proud to endorse the exhibition of the Street Gallery EMAEMAEMA + SRETAN BOR and recommends it to the audience as the part of our program.
Rekonstrukcija Ženski Fond (www.rwfund.org) is the first local women's foundation in Serbia. Through its programs, it supports activities for the full realization of women's human rights, academic exchange, pacifist / anti-militarist engagement, artist engagement, cooperation and solidarity.
Zoe GudovicPR Menadžerka
Rekonstrukcija Ženski Fond
Beograd, Vlajkoviceva 15
ofis: +381 11 32 22 751
fax: +381 32 35 592
e mail: zoe.gudovic@rwfund.org
web: www.rwfund.org