Mencari Pannggung Untuk Teater Kini?
Departemen Susastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Padjadjaran presents Mencari Pannggung Untuk Teater Kini?
Theater’s Place – Theater’s Stage 2nd November, 2013
Is there a stage for theater today? Does it have a place in contemporary Indonesian (Bandung) society? Is there a movement or has it simply died? How does the theatrical movement here compare to what is happening in the US and Britain? Do stages and theaters take on cultural identity? How context changes meaning and have theatre practitioners forgotten this? These are just a few of the questions debated in a lively afternoon of discussion and theater hosted by Department Susastra UPAD, Jatingor. Lina Meilinawati Rahayu drama teacher, researcher in Indonesian studies and co-author Sastra Drama: Perjalanan, Perkembangan, Dan Pengkajiannya (Literary Drama: Process, Development and It’s Use) will discuss some of her research ; Lestari Manngong lecturer and drama teacher at UNPAD discussing theater in the US and Britain and K. Dewantoro founding member of DarahRouge and one of a handful of female theater practitioners in Indonesia actively writing, performing and directing original and new works for the Indonesian stage, will discuss her journey in theater.
The discussion will be preceded by a showcasing of a new play, “Berapa Harga Cinta” written and directed by Ari Jogaiswara Adipurwawidjana and performed by alumni and students of UNPAD and then followed by Bandung based theatre DarahRouge’s performance, Menjahit Marat Sade”. Written and created by K.Dewantoro, the play explores the ideas of revolution in both society, in theater and in one’s self and is interlaced with memories and text from Peter Weiss’s “The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade.” Staying true to the essence of the original script, Dewantoro draws on range of theatrical styles as she sifts through her ‘roles’ in Indonesian theater.
Dates: 2 November
14.00 Teater: "Berapa Harga Cinta"
- 15:30 Discussion on the place of theater today (Mencari Panggung untuk Teater Kini?) with Lestari Manngong,
-19.00 teater "Menjahit Marat/Sade"
Preticket booking: 30
Venue: Aula Pusat Studi Bahasa Jepang (PSBJ), FIB-Unpad, Jatinangor
Ticket price: Rp10.000 for each performance; Rp 15.000 for both plus the discussion. Discussion attendees receive certificates of participation.
For more information contact: or go to facebook
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Departemen-Susastra-FIB-Universitas-Padjadjaran/537395139633389 .
Or visit darahrouge.blogspot.com