In Water I'm Weightless
26 July 2012 to 4 August 2012
Weston Studio, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff
Web site:
Please find below information about my forthcoming production with National Theatre Wales, the Unlimited Commission In Water I'm Weightless.
What follows is information about the show, Lyn Gardner of The Guardian's preview, and some links to YouTube on process. In Water I'm Weightless will be at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, from 26th July - 4th August, and the Southbank Centre, London, 31st August and 1st September.
Please circulate and thanks very much.
"It's provocative, it's sexy, it's telling stories that haven't been told before"
In Water I'm Weightless opens next week. The show is based on a series of monologues by Kaite O'Reilly, and performed by leading Deaf and disabled performers Mandy Colleran, Mat Fraser, Karina Jones, Nick Phillips, Sophie Stone and David Toole.
Featuring text, movement, British Sign Language and projections alongside dynamic staging, created by John E McGrath with movement director Nigel Charnock and designer Paul Clay, the production celebrates the athleticism, diversity and skill of the company, whilst exploring the endless possibilities of human difference.
National Theatre Wales: click here to book.
Meet and greet day 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWiPSansvpw&feature=relmfu
Diary 2: ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrXUcvEVtqg&feature=relmfu
Rehearsal documentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrXUcvEVtqg