Call for articles, perspectives, performances and reviews

Proposals Body, Space and Technology

Body, Space & Technology, now in its twenty-third year of publication, is a leading online interdisciplinary journal, publishing on all aspects of contemporary arts practice. 

The EBSCO indexed journal publishes non-themed refereed articles, artist-led perspectives on their practice, together with a wide range of reviews of books, performances, installations, design, as well as visual and sonic art. It also reports on related conferences, symposia and other arts-based events.  In recent years BST moved to a new platform at the Open Library of the Humanities and the latest issue together with all material from previous issues is available on the Journal's website here: 

Initial proposals need to be approximately 300 words. The Journal supports interactive sound and visual media.

Deadline for paper proposals – Monday 25 September

Deadline for finalised material – Monday 30 October

Deadline for perspectives, reviews and performance proposals – Monday 25 September

Deadline for finalised material – Monday 30 October

Publication due January/February 2023

All proposals to be submitted to:

Finalised Perspectives, Reviews and Performance and all Finalised Papers:

Prof Sue Broadhurst,
Professor Emeritus and Honorary Professor
Performance and Technology,
Department of Arts and Humanities,
Brunel University, London