Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt odio nunc, non congue ipsum. Morbi eget laoreet tortor. Fusce porta faucibus adipiscing. Nunc eget velit arcu. Sed adipiscing rhoncus tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Pellentesque eget faucibus eros. Sed tempor mauris augue, et adipiscing ipsum. Proin dictum sodales dolor at consectetur. Praesent laoreet mi dapibus leo eleifend commodo tempor mauris mollis. Mauris luctus nunc sed magna interdum vitae pharetra dolor vehicula. Nulla augue arcu, hendrerit sit amet laoreet et, facilisis nec nibh. Fusce id pulvinar purus. Fusce tincidunt viverra orci, ultrices volutpat ante egestas sed. Duis velit libero, vehicula nec accumsan at, lobortis vitae neque. Nulla non venenatis augue. Nunc at porta augue. Donec imperdiet cursus purus eget lobortis. Sed sem quam, ultrices in iaculis sed, condimentum eu neque.
i logged in as test-auth & checked in both safari & firefox the formatting bar looks good. it also looks good now, in the comments ... but if i change to full html, then it goes messy.
i did change the default input format to full instead of filtered html, simply because i found that for pretty much everything i was doing i had to change it to full & i got sick of that. if it's better to have the default format as filtered, then it's fine we can keep it as that, it's not really so difficult to change it every time. but it would be good to tidy up the icons. it's wierd how it has gone like that. also the image icon is different to the first one ...
darn; maybe we can make another input format? perhaps we could limit the options on the formatting bar for full html, which would curtail all but the smartest non-admin users, & create an admin input format that has the bigger range of formatting visible?
testGeddy Aniksdal in
Geddy Aniksdal in "My life" (photo by Cleide de Oliveira)
seeing double
huh - i updated the image properties to correct the quotes, & when i saved it it put it in twice ...
image upload works
test: ttt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt odio nunc, non congue ipsum. Morbi eget laoreet tortor. Fusce porta faucibus adipiscing. Nunc eget velit arcu. Sed adipiscing rhoncus tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque eget faucibus eros. Sed tempor mauris augue, et adipiscing ipsum. Proin dictum sodales dolor at consectetur. Praesent laoreet mi dapibus leo eleifend commodo tempor mauris mollis. Mauris luctus nunc sed magna interdum vitae pharetra dolor vehicula. Nulla augue arcu, hendrerit sit amet laoreet et, facilisis nec nibh. Fusce id pulvinar purus. Fusce tincidunt viverra orci, ultrices volutpat ante egestas sed. Duis velit libero, vehicula nec accumsan at, lobortis vitae neque. Nulla non venenatis augue. Nunc at porta augue. Donec imperdiet cursus purus eget lobortis. Sed sem quam, ultrices in iaculis sed, condimentum eu neque.
(No subject)
another interesting plant!
you really have some interesting plants, ag! (or at least, photos of interesting plants ... )
all i can impress you with is my balcony zuccini:
(er - make that TWO zuccinis ;))
image upload test
that is one interesting-looking plant!! is it an amarylis bulb?
it's called Ornithogalum
it's called Ornithogalum Caudatum or False Sea Onion
I call it monster onion becaus it's reproducing in a monstrous dimension....
btw, you should log in as test-auth to see what the wysiwyg looks like for a simple user. I reduces the rights to avoid wild layout messes....
monster onion
i'll go with monster zwiebel! :)
i logged in as test-auth & checked in both safari & firefox the formatting bar looks good. it also looks good now, in the comments ... but if i change to full html, then it goes messy.
i did change the default input format to full instead of filtered html, simply because i found that for pretty much everything i was doing i had to change it to full & i got sick of that. if it's better to have the default format as filtered, then it's fine we can keep it as that, it's not really so difficult to change it every time. but it would be good to tidy up the icons. it's wierd how it has gone like that. also the image icon is different to the first one ...
changed the default back
changed the default back
but weird, I thought
but weird, I thought test-auth would not have permission to use full html... now i get it here as default also...
it would be good if only admins have the right to use full html and that it would be default for them... hope that is doable
no not possible, filtered
no not possible, filtered html has to be the default in order to block full html to non admins
darn; maybe we can make another input format? perhaps we could limit the options on the formatting bar for full html, which would curtail all but the smartest non-admin users, & create an admin input format that has the bigger range of formatting visible?
but that's the situation we
but that's the situation we have, no?
( sorry, answering as test-auth , still busy with double picture insertion... ag)
there seems to be oinly on image now.. maybe it's solved?