Poetry of Movement

dance theatre one week seminar for ages 50+
16 June 2025 to 23 June 2025
Hadjinikos Hall, Horto, Greece
9-13 h

dance theatre seminar exploring the beauty of movement and physical expression

 16-23.June 2025, for ages 50+

„Poetry of movement“ is a six day Seminar for all persons interested in exploring the beauty of movement and learning to maintain  physical presence and body that is expressive and vital in mature age. It is based on different exercises and skills of dance, contemporary theatre improvisation, developing imagination, bodly expression and playfulness.

After exercises of warming up and streching, different artistic explorations of movement and poetry, indivudual and group sequesnces will be developed, that will be presented at the end of the Seminar, as part of the prelude to Horto Festival.

Please fill in form: https://forms.gle/brDnNRJgsZCqkFcZA

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