Seeds Of Memory - Semillas De Memoria
Seeds of Memory | Semillas De Memoria
Presented as part of Warmikuna Raymi 2020 Festival
Performed in English with Spanish subtitles throughout.
Date: 06/11/2020 20:30pm Peru Time
07/11/2020 1:30am UK Time
Live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warmikunaraymi
The performance, is about absence: the absence of a father, the absenceof a body to bury
and the absence of 30.000 missing people in Argentina, during the last military dictatorship.
But absence generates its opposite: resistance, presence and identity. Absence, is the starting point to build
a performance that contains both, a personal message and political discourse.
Direction/Dramaturgy | Dirección/ Dramaturgia: Julia Varley
Actress/Text | Actriz/Texto: Ana Woolf
Filming/Editing | Filmación / Edición: Linda Lyn Cunningham
Espectáculo declarado de “Interés Cultural” y apoyado por | This performance is declared of "Cultural Interest" and supported by:
Amnesty International; Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación; Dirección General de Asuntos Culturales de la Cancillería de la República Argentina; Nordisk Teaaterlaboratorium (Dinamarca); Magdalena 2a Generación (Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres en el Arte), Argentina; Transit Festival, Denmark; The Magdalena Project.
See more works presented at the festival here