percorso sonoro a stanze attorno alla fiaba di Biancaneve
room by room audio journey around the fairy tale Snow White
concept and realisation: Cristina Galbiati & Ilija Luginbühl
dramaturg: Simona Gonella
design: Mike Brookes, Trickster-p
soundscape: Luis Fernandez, Trickster-p original music: Luis Fernandez
co-production: Trickster-p / Migros Kulturprozent / Teatro Sociale Bellinzona / Theater Chur / Schlachthaus Theater Bern / far° festival des arts vivants, Nyon / TAK Theater Liechtenstein supported by: Pro Helvetia - Fondazione svizzera per la cultura / DECS Repubblica e Cantone Ticino - Fondo Swisslos / Migros-Kulturprozent / Fondation Nestlé pour l'art / Ernst Göhner Stiftung / Landis & Gyr Stiftung / Bürki Stiftung
languages: it / en / de / fr / dan