Assembling "the documentation" ...


Dear Magdalenas,

At the last Transit I was tasked with assembling ‘the documentation’.

If you were there, you might recall me pestering you with requests to ‘throw something in the basket’, or to write to me afterwards—in some cases I even thrust my recording device in front of your face and asked you to respond to a performance, or ask about what seemed important to you on that particular day of programming. You might have also received another request from me for ANY writing, thoughts, etc. via email a few months ago. Which is all to say - I don’t really know how to think about how best to ‘document’ this experience of Transit.

There is video footage of almost every event, and photographs (both official and unofficial), and I have (still untranscribed) about one hundred slips of paper, my notes, and some recordings of your thoughts. But what should this documentation be? I am at a loss. What I am thinking about, as I am now spending a lot of time on my own, is how can I present the documentation as an extended expression of community that has existed over time, and place (both physical and virtual), not only for those who were physically present, but for all who’ve ever participated in a Transit Festival.

You are correct, dear Magdalenas - this is essentially another solicitation for ANY memories or thoughts you have from the last Transit…in part because I long to hear your voices again.

With love,

Maria Porter