
Lyn Cunningham remembers Mette Jensen, writing, "In your deck of cards, there are two Jokers. Often these are seen as being identical, but you taught me that if you look closer that one Joker card is slightly different and more embellished than the other, and is the most magical card. I jokingly called this card ‘the Mette’, and we laughed when it magically appeared, usually in your hands!"

When I first came to Holstebro, Mette was the lovely woman who waited for me and transported me to the Odin Theater. I knew immediately that she was a special, warm and joyful soul. Love immediately poured out, and a unique woman moved into my heart.

El siguiente texto fue presentado por Julia Varley en la celebración de vida de nuestra querida amiga, Mette Jensen, el 2 de marzo en Holstebro, Dinamarca.

Teatret OM remembers Mette Jensen as "our guardian angel - a unique person with a big heart and an overwhelming generosity", who has generously supported the group since they first arrived in Denmark in 1992.

O seguinte texto foi apresentado por Júlia Varley durante uma celebração da vida de nossa querida amiga Mette Jensen, no dia 02 de Março em Holstebro, Dinamarca.

The following text was presented by Julia Varley at a celebration of the life of our dear friend, Mette Jensen, on the 2nd of March in Holstebro, Denmark.

In Hug with ZZ


Em primeiro lugar - a todas um feliz ano novo e eu sinceramente confio que todos nós iremos reunir-nos com toda a resistência e amor que temos para combater o absurdo que está ocorrendo na política mundial. Amigas brasileirs dizem 'continue fazendo poesia - eles odeiam isso'.

En primer lugar, feliz año nuevo a todas. Confío sinceramente en que todas nos uniremos con la resistencia y el amor que tenemos, para combatir el ****** sinsentido que están perpetrando la política mundial. Los amigos brasileños dicen "sigan haciendo poesía, ellos odian eso".

Firstly – to everyone a very happy new year and I sincerely trust that we will all rally with all the resistance and love we have to combat the ******* nonsense that is perpetrating in world politics. Brazilian friends say ‘keep making poetry – they hate that’.


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